LIBERTY'S Marche Vernaison Allee 3/5 Stand 105 - 93400 SAINT-OUEN -FRANCE-

( Periods and styles in Britain ) :

 Elizabethan ( Elizabeth I ) XVI th (1558-1603)
 Jacobian ( James I ) XVII th (1603-1625)
 Carolean ( Charles I ) XVII th (1625-1649)
 Cromwellian ( Commonwealth ) XVII th (1649-1660)
 Restoration ( Charles II ) VII th (1660-1685)
 William and Mary XVII th (1685-1702)
 Queen Anne XVIII th (1702-1714)
 Early Georgian ( Georges I ) XVIII th (1714-1727)
 Georgian ( Georges II ) XVIII th (1727-1760)
 Late Georgian ( Georges III ) XVIII th (1760-1820)
 Regency ( Georges IV ) XIX th (1820-1830)
 Eclectic ( William IV ) XIX th (1830-1837)
 Art and Crafts ( Victorian ) XIX th (1837-1870)
 Art and Crafts ( Edward VII ) XIX th (1870-1884)
 Art Noveau ( Edward VII ) XIX th (1884-1918)
 Art Deco ( Georges V ) XX th (1918-1939)

( Periods and styles in France )

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